音浪滚滚,群魔乱舞的夜店内,目睹男友出轨的艾莲娜(艾玛·费兹帕特里克 Emma Fitzpatrick 饰)无意中掣动某开关,致使寻欢场所顿时化作绞肉地狱,无数男女惨遭屠戮,搜尸者(Randall Archer 饰)静观这一血腥残酷场景,并在最终时刻虏走艾莲娜。混乱之中,饱经磨难的阿金(乔什·斯图沃特 Josh Stewart 饰)侥幸逃脱。正当他待在医院接受治疗时,受某富翁之托的警方找上门来,要求阿金在48小时之内找到艾伦娜。...
探索频道(Discovery Channel)首部迷你剧《克朗代克》,预计将于2014年播出。
剧本改编自Charlotte Gray的小说《Gold Diggers: Striking It Rich In The Klondike》,Richard Madden扮演的William Haskell和Augustus Prew扮演的Byron Epstein在加拿大育空地区、克朗代克河流域淘金的故事。</p>...
On her 18th birthday, tough-girl Jonny eats a cake baked by her aunt according to a magical family recipe and goes through a radical metamorphosis. As several classmates go missing, a bloody coming-of-age story takes its course....